ROFL ROI For My Tax Dollars

Apologies for the headline – I normally eschew ‘netspeak shorthand but the opportunity to mix bizspeak with ‘netspeak proved overwhelming of my baser instincts and hatred for AOLisms. Longtime readers might remember my general disdain for NPR (and yet, I…

Your Prayers Will Be Welcomed, I’m Sure

Scott Koenig (aka “Lt/CitizenSmash”)’s wife suffered some severe trauma in a horseback riding accident. She should recover well after some extensive therapy. In the meantime, your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated. Stop by his site and leave a…

Humor By Omission

This article contains a rather funny quote, as noted in today’s Best of the Web: The Accidental Governor “Governor Rod Blagojevich [Friday] filed an emergency rule with the Illinois Secretary of State’s office requiring birth control prescriptions be filled without…

Really, People. Backgammon?

I guess “texas holdem” spammers have finally figured out that every single red-blooded blogger out there with an ounce of intelligence is now actively, preemptively deleting any and all comments that even come close to containing either of those words…

Further Site Updates

Since the backup/restore process appears to have slightly b0rked my WP install, I am going to be performing some site maintenance today. This will entail disabling all of my installed plugins (except for SpamKarma, of course) and moving quite a…

He Shoots, He Scores!

Sean Gleeson nicely summarizes my feelings on the rampant idiocy reporting that has followed in the wake of the Pope’s death in an entry titled Birdbrains on the religion beat. He is not impressed, to say the least. Oh, and…

Aaaand We’re Back! (Sort of).

As you can probably tell, the server has been restored to working order. There is still some residual funkiness (such as the backups being too complete – there’s stuff here that I deleted a while ago). Once I get that…