• Iron Monkey

    Why have I never watched Iron Monkey prior to tonight? Is it possible for kung fu movies to kick this much butt and go completely unnoticed by Y.T.? Apparently, yes. ‘Twas funny to realize that Ronguang Yu played Po in Jet Li’s The Enforcer. Anyways, highly reccommended.

  • Informational Work Paralysis

    They shouldn’t let me near the Internet. There’s just so much good stuff out there that I get Informational Work Paralysis. To put it bluntly: my need to inhale information supersedes all other concerns, and my work thus suffers. Seriously. The Wall Street Journal and Gamespot need to start charging to let people read their…

  • Busy Weekend

    Had a busy weekend. My good friends Aron and Heather got married yesterday in Cherry Hill. That was in addition to: Aron’s bachelor party Friday night My grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary party on Saturday A now-traditional Wedding Day IHOP visit (side note: a modification to said tradition has been put in place. We forgot to…

  • They’re Trying to Kill Us

    Daniel Henninger struck gold in today’s WSJ. Have we forgotten they’re trying to kill us? We need more people at higher echelons of the gov’t to think/speak this way. Rumsfeld can’t do it all, after all!

  • Go Forrester.

    Doug Forrester, former mayor of West Windsor, NJ (my high school hometown) has drawn even with Bob “The Torch” Torricelli, who continues to be plagued by ethics problems. Go Forrester.

  • Odd Bedfellows

    My wife called me yesterday afternoon, practically in tears. She had found an article in US News titled Odd Bedfellows (side note: Was US News intentionally trying to avoid a cliche, albeit in a half-hearted fashion? Or do they honestly not know that “strange” is the generally accepted word-of-choice in said cliche?). For those too…

  • Frist Proust!

    Figured it was time to latch on to the blogging bandwagon (“blandwagon”?), since everyone and their brother’s dog now seems to have one. Need to come up with a better title for this h’yar blog; “rm -rf /bin/laden” was the first thing that lept to mind, as it’s sitting here on the whiteboard in my…