• It’s Just Art, Right?

    The NY Post reports that the hideous scultpure of a naked female WTC “jumper” on the moment of impact has been removed from Rockefeller Center. There has been some animosity expressed by the average New Yorker, and who can really blame them? I also wonder why I haven’t seen more media coverage of this monstrosity.…

  • Scooped

    As alert readers over at LGF astutely pointed out, the Bowden piece mentioned below is actually a reprint of an article he wrote for The Atlantic, chopped conveniently in twain for newspaper consumption. So there. Now there’s no reason for me to link to the Inq’s Sunday version. *grin*

  • Sun to Sell Linux PCs

    In what has to be one of the worst-disguised, highly-telegraphed moves in recent IT industry history, Sun announced today that they will be selling Linux-based PCs. These PCs will likely be beefier versions of their Sun Ray thin clients, although, who knows? Maybe they’ll sell a model intended to replace their low end Sun Blade…

  • The Life of a Tyrant

    I’ve managed to track down Mark Bowden’s piece Inside the World of a Tyrant (Part 1) that originally ran in the opinion section of this week’s Philly Inquirer. For those who don’t recognize the name “Mark Bowden”: Mr. Bowden is the author of Black Hawk Down and Killing Pablo, among other works. In fact, Black…

  • Willow Grove Air Show

    My wife, two friends and I attended the Willow Grove (PA) Air Show on Saturday (9/14) and came away highly impressed. Of note was the combined field assault demonstration put on by the military. It featured a Marines forward recon team inserted by Bell Huey in order to mark the target. Two overflights of F-18s…

  • Greece to Ban Campers, Lamerz, n00bz

    What the…? Greece, in an effort to fight illegal online gambling, has banned all video games. All of them. No Playstations. No computers. No Gameboys. No bleedin’ Snake games on your Nokia. All because the state apparently has no capabilities to distinguish legit games from illegal gambling machines/websites. How insane is this? If you’re going…

  • Update

    An update to yesterday’s post. *sigh* Diana, we hardly knew ye.

  • Shocked

    I am in shock. After spending most of last week in New Hampshire, I returned to find an email in my inbox from my best friend, the upshot of which was: his life sucks. He took some extra time to graduate and was all set to (finally) get an engineering job that was ideally placed…

  • *Shudder*

    Verizon (*shudder*) has switched its techies to Linux workstations, saving $6 million in equipment costs alone. Nice exposure for Linux, but why did it have to be Verizon? In other news, Larry Ellison is still a jerk. A jerk with some valid points, yes, but still a jerk.

  • Busy.

    Been busy here at work. Have I mentioned that I hate Oracle and Perl? Have I mentioned that the current project I’m working on employs both of those? It’s so hard to go back to Perl after using php for so long and Oracle is just overkill for what I need to do. *sigh* Oh…