Tag: Computers

  • …The Heck Is WRONG With Spammers These Days?

    Is a cruddy-looking lawn really all that common of an occurrence these days? I mean, honestly, I’ve gotten more of these than “manhood enhancement” solicitations in my Yahoo! spam filter over the last few months: The first few times I got ’em, I didn’t even open them. Figured “Grow Your Lawn Faster And Thicker” was…

  • One Phish, Two Phish, Red Phish, Etc.

    For those of you with an interest in educating your extended family on the dangers of phishing websites, McAfee is obviously selling its SiteAdvisor software via this nifty little quiz but it offers a great learning opportunity and more than a few helpful tips on avoiding giving up your personal and financial information. See if…

  • Innovative Business Model: Buy My Product Or I’ll Sue You!

    Now this is a doozy. A company called “MRT” has decided to sue Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and Real Networks because MRT claims that Vista, Adobe Flash Player, Real Player, iTunes and the iPod have been produced “without regard for the DMCA or the rights of American Intellectual Property owners.” The DMCA, signed into law in…

  • Nice Inbox You’ve Got There — Shame If Something Were To Happen To It…

    An enterprising Slashdotter, spurred by a pair of articles, asks Are Sysadmins Really that Bad? The short answer is: yes, yes we are. The long answer is: be nice to us, include us on the planning stages of your projects, tell us when we’ve done either good or bad things, always remember Sysadmin Appreciation Day…

  • Overemotionalizing Technology

    The Washington Post ran a very interesting piece the other day documenting the affinity that our military’s finest tend to develop with the robots placed in their care. The article starts off with, quite literally, a bang: The most effective way to find and destroy a land mine is to step on it. This has…

  • Sequestered No More!

    Just got out of a marathon sysadminning session where my team lead and I did quite a bit of architecting, planning, troubleshooting and strategerizing. All I have to say is that Apple rocks for their dscl and dsconfigldap command line tools and “bind_policy = soft” is your friend for Linux hosts using LDAP.

  • Don’t Be So Cavalier With That Mouse Pointer, Buster!

    You just think that it’s electrons or somesuch hooey moving your cursor around the screen, dontcha? You poor deluded souls — everyone knows it’s done by little overworked men (well, in Japan, at least). Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer approves.

  • Thunderbird 2.0: An Upgrade Well Worth Your Time

    The Mozilla Foundation released Thunderbird 2.0 yesterday and, based upon my first 24 hours with it, I’d give it an unconditional thumbs-up. Overall, it’s a much nicer experience than the previous version (1.5). It is faster, the interface is cleaner, it handles IMAP mailboxes far faster than before and it has a few nice new…

  • Once Again, Lehigh Disappoints

    The MPAA has released their “dishonor roll”, a list of the top 25 college and university campuses (campii? campusi? I give up!) with the highest number of “confirmed” “illegal” file sharers and, sadly, my alma mater once again failed to make the cut. I blame Farrington’s nefarious influence, even after he departed! The 25, for…

  • Awww Crap. Looks Like I’m In The Market For A New ISP.

    Holy Out-Of-Left-Field News, Batman. I’ve stated previously that I will never give Best Buy another dime of my hard-earned money due to their consistent mistreatment of me in the retail space. Looks like they’re going to be mistreating me in the ISP space until I can find a replacement: Best Buy Acquires Speakeasy: Financial News…