Tag: spam

  • Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Essentially: it does what it says on the tin. My bbPress forums were a) Magnets for spammers of every *dol, Cia*, Dolc*gab* and Ho*ref*nance 2) CPU chewers for little payoff D) Not really used by y’all or me* So, in short, I’m deactivating them and shall breathe a sigh of relief. If you’ve comments related…

  • Haxx0red!

    In the interests of full disclosure, I’d like to announce that my blog was cracked into in the wee hours of the morning (PDT) two Saturdays ago (9/21/2007). I have yet to figure out the vector the crackers used to compromise my blog, but I will repost the details that I have found out so…

  • Duuuuuude, Spam?

    So, spammers, what’s the deal with trying to spam my blog with “head shop” junk? Bongs, pipes, etc.? E.D. drugs and grass seed too good for you? Y’all have problems. Seriously.

  • Spam, Distilled

    No beating around the bush here, eh? *chuckle*

  • …The Heck Is WRONG With Spammers These Days?

    Is a cruddy-looking lawn really all that common of an occurrence these days? I mean, honestly, I’ve gotten more of these than “manhood enhancement” solicitations in my Yahoo! spam filter over the last few months: The first few times I got ’em, I didn’t even open them. Figured “Grow Your Lawn Faster And Thicker” was…

  • I Get The Most Interesting Blogspam

    I’ll say this much for the comment spammers: they certainly seem to be interested in at least entertaining me in their constant attempts to hawk their tawdry wares using my site and bandwidth. For instance, I received this one from “Anna”. It starts out sounding relatively innocent: Hello, my name is Anna! As you can…

  • Talking Back To Spammers For Fun And, Ummm, Profit

    It seems that I have a friendly spamstalker named “Wendy!” who is intent upon giving me a laugh or two for free. “Wendy!” seemingly æschews the traditional mass list of pharmacological, adult-oriented and “all-natural” male “enhancement” spam fare and instead tries, helpfully, to make me aware of certain goings-on in the world at large. For…

  • Spam, Spam, Eggs And Spam, Ham, Spam And Eggs

    I have a very simple question: why do I continually get bombarded with penny stock scam image-based spam at work and yet my GMail address has yet to get a single one? Why does my corporate identity lose out? Why do most businesses do such terrible jobs at filtering out the crap and yet Google…

  • Thank YOU, Mr. Spammer, For The Confidence Boost

    I check my Akismet queue each morning and note, usually with some amusement, the lengths to which spammers seem to be going in order to try to hawk their pornography, stock “tips” and manhood-enhancing wares on my site. Some opt for hundreds of links in a single comment (these seem to be a favorite of…

  • Thank Heavens For That!

    I get all manner of annoying spam comments that pile up in my Akismet queue and I normally take a quick fly-by of the queue each morning to make sure that no legit comments were accidentally flagged. This morning, I was beset by the normal flood of “Sorry, friends! But I very need money!” porn…