Tag: Technology

  • Don’t Call It A Condiment

    …Cause I’m only playing catch-up. See, because it’s a homonym with… Bah, never mind. On with the Friday Link Dump! Hollywood is definitely out to retroactively destroy my childhood. How else can one explain their insistence on changing G.I. Joe from hard-charging defenders of America into a namby-pamby “international” strike force under the auspices of…

  • Did Anyone Else Get 33% More Likely To Buy An iPhone Yesterday?

    Okay, so y’all did see the coverage of Apple’s little shindig yesterday where they announced New iPod Nanos with screen rezzes equivalent to the iPod Video iPod “Classics” featuring 80GB and 160(!)GB capacities The friggin’ iPod “Touch”, otherwise known as “iPhone Without The Phone Part” And a $200 drop on the iPhone’s previously astronomical pricetag…

  • Friday Linkfestivus

    Time for a little link dump, I’d say. Looking for an oldschool flair for your newschool iPod? Best grab a boombox dock, then. Via Wired, we have the wonder of officeplace Faceball.

  • The Heights Of Human Weirdness Know No Upper Bounds

    Have you ever wanted to embed a server in the corpse of a frog, wire up the frog’s legs so that said server can activate said frog’s leg muscles via a galvanic reaction, suspend the whole affair in a tank of mineral oil, hook the server up to the Internet, allow users to activate the…

  • The Next Generation Of Social Networking Sites

    FaceSpace and MyBook are out, these badboys are in. I’ve stumbled across a few “social networking” sites over the past few days that are definitely worth a look or two from you, my loyal reader[s]: Open Source Food: exchange recipes, have your own rated by your fellow man and drool over the quick pictures of…

  • One Phish, Two Phish, Red Phish, Etc.

    For those of you with an interest in educating your extended family on the dangers of phishing websites, McAfee is obviously selling its SiteAdvisor software via this nifty little quiz but it offers a great learning opportunity and more than a few helpful tips on avoiding giving up your personal and financial information. See if…

  • I Wish I Had $600 “Revolutionary” Dollars To Spend On The “Revolutionary” iPhone

    I know that Apple always does things a bit differently than their competitors, but the 20 minute iPhone tour they posted today should simultaneously put every single other cell phone company 1) on notice and 2) to shame. Can you imagine how different people’s experiences with Treos, Qs and Pearls would be if Palm, Motorola…

  • Laser Light Shows Are For Pansies

    Real men don’t do laser light Floyd shows. They use a Tesla coil to play the Tetris theme song and the Super Mario Brothers’ “underground theme”:

  • Joost Invites Out The Wazoo

    Now that the unlimited invite version of Joost, the new Web 2.0-ish streaming “TV” application, has arrived, I have unlimited invites to drop. Anyone looking to get in on the beta, please just leave a comment in the comments section of this post. It’s pretty cool, I must say.

  • Nice Inbox You’ve Got There — Shame If Something Were To Happen To It…

    An enterprising Slashdotter, spurred by a pair of articles, asks Are Sysadmins Really that Bad? The short answer is: yes, yes we are. The long answer is: be nice to us, include us on the planning stages of your projects, tell us when we’ve done either good or bad things, always remember Sysadmin Appreciation Day…