Category Computers

Computing News And Notes

A few small compuer-related things have popped up over the last few days and I thought I’d take a second or two to jot down my observations for the benefit of all you fellow Intertron users out there. Apple’s recently-released…

Draft Night 2006

September through February is my favorite time of the year, for one reason and one reason only: NFL Football, baby. Last night was the draft for my fantasy football league and I’m even more confident this year in my draft…

Drooling Over Leopard Server

Much virtual ink has been spilled over the revelations concerning Apple’s next operating system, Mac OS X 10.5 (“Leopard”), with Windows fanboys complaining that Apple is shamelessly copying the Big M and Apple partisans returning fire. All of these discussions…

Just When I Thought I’d Seen It All

I’ve seen all manner of stupid “gamer” peripherals for the PC, from mini-keypads designed to give gamers WASD and not much else to 3 dimensional mice to “physics accelerators”. I thought it couldn’t get any worse; I was wrong. Via…