Category Friends

Random Geeky IM Conversation With Brad

ZaMoose610: speaking of BT, Friday’s BSG is almost done being pulled down… Incubus188: I am watching it right now Incubus188: DL’d Stargates and Battlestar last night ZaMoose610: what a great show Incubus188: yeah Incubus188: Lauren laughs at me when I…

A Project For Vinny

Vin: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to brew up a batch of the world’s first Open Source beer. It’s got guarana!

My Heartfelt Apologies

I sincerely apologize to all of my splenectomized readers who, as Brad kindly pointed out, are incapable of venting something they don’t have. No offense was intended. You may, in lieu of your spleen, vent your appendix, tonsils, gallbladder or…

Worst. Road. Ever.

My wife and I had dinner at some friends’ house tonight. They’re good friends of ours, but unfortunately they live in West Conshohocken, so we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like. Now, as the crow flies,…

“Pulling An Iorio”

To my readers searching for a Brian Iorio of Ohio, please note: This isn’t the Brian you’re looking for. He very kindly contacted me and asked me to explain, since he seems to get an inordinate amount of email on…

A Dearth Of Posts

Apologies for the lack of posting over the past few days. I’ve been extremely busy at work, helping to upgrade our existing SourceForge install to the latest and greatest version, installing an update to our calendaring server and slowly taking…