Category Web Design

The Illustrated Stephenson

Credit goes out to Aron for ferreting this one out. He’s been on a bit of a Flickr kick recently and happened across a Flickr group that is seeking to photographically document the real-world locations described in Neal Stephenson’s Baroque…

Feed The Burn

I started blogging back in 2001 primarily as a hobby and have continued doing so to this day. At times, I’ve considered adding ads to the site in order to try to recoup some of the costs associated with hosting…

Testing Vanilla

There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Vanilla lately, including Michael Heilman moving his forums over to the Vanilla platform. What is Vanilla? In short, it’s an Open Source forum framework that seeks to reenvision the forum/bulletin board concept. It…

Ajaxian Gets A Redesign

To commemorate the advent of 2006, Ajaxian, your one-stop shop for all things AJAX has launched a new look. In addition, they’ve also made the excellent choice to move from Movable Type to WordPress. It’s quite spiffy and a marked…