Category Friends

Attention, East Coast Employers

AndyOne has been rather unceremoniously let go by his employer. If you’re in need of an experienced project manager/project engineer, Andy’s your guy. With experience at Intel, Trex Decking and New World Pasta, he’s got diversified experience and I can…

Bah, Says I

As Andy(I) helpfully pointed out, this past weekend was host to this year’s incarnation of the historical rivalry between Lehigh University and Lafayette College. Unfortunately, Lehigh snatched defeat from the jaws of victory yet again, making them losers in 3…

Poor Blog Parenting

With so much going on these past few weeks, I’ve been neglectful in getting my blog “children” off the ground, so much so that I even forgot to mention that Andy(I)’s blog is now online, and has been for some…

Site Comings And Goings

Good news, everyone! With the host switch complete, I decided that it might be a good time to start sharing the wealth, as it were. I went from a hard limit of 1GB of files and 70GB of transfer/month on…