Sounds Pretty Good To Me

From IGN’s preview of the forthcoming PS2/XBox shooter “Black”: Dear Criterion [developers of “Black”. -ed.], Please explain the concept behind your new title, Black, so that we might evaluate it and consider coming to some sort of a retail agreement.…


“Perhaps he’ll apologize for this at some point in the future. But, I confess, I find the question of what Andrew [Sullivan] thinks less pressing than I used to.” – Glenn Reynolds Ahhh, the markey economy at work – the…


Under no circumstances does this website endorse going for a drive with Mr. T.. It’s not going to supplant Numa Numa, but it’s catchy.

This Just Gets Worse And Worse

Not only is Brad’s wedding costing me a U2 concert and Wendy’s “Free Frosty” weekend, but now I’ve got to forgo a chance at winning an authentic Darth Vader helmet purportedly valued at $3,000. Stupid wedding.