Friday Video Dump

Presented with limited commercial interruption by Chevrolet, Ponds, the Freemasons and Oxy Clean. Never again shall you need a wangchip clip: The F-22 kicks so much butt, NASA is actually looking into extraterrestrial sources in order to keep it in…

Who Is This “Tom Morrow” Fellow?

…And why is Hillary Clinton only interested in good jobs for him? Bwahahaha. BONUS: Possible unused captions/headlines: Is our Senators learning? No Congressperson Left Behind I can has spellcheck? You say “tommorrow” and I say “potatoe”.

Me? Piggyback? Never!

I’ve been stewing over this for a bit and, on word of Fred! Thompson officially announcing his intentions to run for Prez., I figured I’d make it official:, your one-stop-shop for irreverent moichandise designed by Yours Truly. I’m feeling…

I’m Living In The Wrong State

Evidence just keeps cropping up that my wife is right and I simply need to bite the bullet and move to Texas. It’s culturally, legally and politically far more amenable to those of my particular persuasions. For example, the state…

Penny Arcade Game Trailer

The guys over at Penny Arcade have been working to bring Tycho and Gabe to “life” in an action-adventure game known as “On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness” and the preliminary trailer is a hoot: It will ostensibly run on…