Tag: Linux

  • First-Rate Geeky Command Line Head-Smackage

    WARNING: GEEKY CONTENT AHEAD If you have no desire to read about login shells, Linux, source code management or other similarly geeky content, you’d best be skipping this one. -ed. Have you ever allowed a nuisance to go on for literally years simply because you couldn’t be bothered to do enough research to effectively nip…

  • This’ll Help Convince The Feds To Adopt Linux

    Via Slashdot, I saw a story about Richard Stallman convincing Cuba to adopt Linux. Linux companies and Linux advocates have been struggling against a reputation as mere software Communism – good thing Open Source Software’s strongest “advocate” (RMS) has gone and proved the case to be, well, true. Gah.

  • Burnination, The Follow-Up

    With apologies to Trogdor: Shortly after I posted my review of Toast, I stumbled across a comparison review of a few of the top Mac burning software packages. Toast makes an appearance, as do Burn and two others, as well as a 5th one that was suggested in the reviews’ comments (LiquidCD) which got me…

  • Computing News And Notes

    A few small compuer-related things have popped up over the last few days and I thought I’d take a second or two to jot down my observations for the benefit of all you fellow Intertron users out there. Apple’s recently-released 10.4.8 update to Mac OS X added a nifty “zoom using scroll wheel feature, allowing…

  • U.N.helpful

    Jules Crittenden of the Boston Herald really took it to the French in re: their hypocricy in Lebanon in recent days. To wit: In recent weeks, France stepped forward to act as a broker of peace in Lebanon. “Act” is the key verb in that last sentence, as it now would seem that the only…

  • Fun In The Sun (Microsystems Server)

    Or: RedHat Enterprise Linux’s `ypbind` Is Functionally Brain-Dead WARNING/WARNUNG/ADVERTENCIA/AVERTISSEMENT: Geeky rant follows. If you don’t give a hoot about UNIX and/or Linux, you may just want to give this post a pass. -ed. First, a little background: like many shops with a core infrastructure consisting of UNIX/*NIX servers of varying ages and configurations, we have…

  • Friday Link Dump

    Okay, time to toss out all the nifty links that I stumbled over in the past week but never really made it to “full post” status. Enjoy. Vids Kinetic destruction visited upon an old Toyota, rubber band-style. Robin Williams guest-starred on “Who’s Line Is It, Anyway?”. Witness the hilarity. Do not, under any circumstances, take…

  • Why I Love The Internet, Part 308,456

    …It makes me laugh. An interesting discussion popped up over at Slashdot regarding the lack of female applicants to, and therefore, lack of females being sponsored by the GNOME project’s “Summer of Code” (sponsored by Google). The conversation revolved around the general lack of females in tech fields and spawned the following comment: There’re no…

  • A Virtual Cornucopia Of Cool Software

    Google has been on a “pro-Doug” tear recently as far as I can see, releasing first Picasa, then Google Earth for Linux, along with the cool-in-concept Google Browser Sync plugin for Firefox. The Google Sync extension only ranks cool in concept because, well, in order for it to work to its capacity, you have to…

  • Network Gremlins

    I don’t know if it’s a universal I.T. thing or not, but at my place of employment we sysadmins have taken to blaming any freak accident/unexplainable computer phenomenon/Series of Unfortunate Events on “gremlins”. A person couldn’t log on five minutes ago and all of a sudden, they can? Gremlins. USB sticks now mounting when, previously,…