Category Macintosh

This Kool Aid Tastes GREAT!

So it’s official: I’ve joined the iPod Generation. We had a choice for our Christmas bonus at work this year between a Slingbox Pro, a digital picture frame, a portable DVD player and a 30 GB iPod. I went with…

Computing News And Notes

A few small compuer-related things have popped up over the last few days and I thought I’d take a second or two to jot down my observations for the benefit of all you fellow Intertron users out there. Apple’s recently-released…

Drooling Over Leopard Server

Much virtual ink has been spilled over the revelations concerning Apple’s next operating system, Mac OS X 10.5 (“Leopard”), with Windows fanboys complaining that Apple is shamelessly copying the Big M and Apple partisans returning fire. All of these discussions…