Category: Open Source Software

  • My Nominee For “Nobel Prize For Cunning Commentary (Web Edition)”

    Slashdot carried an interesting story today about Alexey Pajitnov, the creator of Tetris, claiming that Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) destroys free markets and eliminates companies’ ability to “create wealth”, a dubious proposition at best, but one which spawned the following insightful comment from one “jbeaupre”: Oddly, I see FOSS as an extreme example of capitalism.…

  • There’s Just No Accounting For Crazy. Or Masochistic. Or Masochistic-Crazy.

    As I wended my way home last night, I was listening to this “week’s” FLOSS Weekly and just about had to pull my car to the side of the road, due to my sheer astonishment. Leo and Randal had a developer on who was promoting Seaside, a web development framework for Smalltalk (particularly the Squeak…

  • Safari AdBlock: ‘Bout Time

    Firefox users have had access to AdBlock Plus for ages, allowing them to cruise the Web virtually ad-free. Well, no longer do they have a monopoly on the goodness, for Safari AdBlock (Safari 3/Leopard-only) has been released. It’s an easy install and catches pretty much all ads, at least in my thus-far limited testing. Now…

  • We Only Scored A ‘6.0’ From The Russian Judge

    …But still managed to pull out a win in the WordPress iPhone Content contest. Matt Mullenweg announced the results on the wp-hackers mailing list today. Stephane, Viper and I are super psyched about the win. Our congratulations also go out to Dan and Jared whose entry garnered them some great plaudits as well. I’ll be…

  • A New Version Of WPhone: 1.4.0 Is Out.

    Stephane, Viper and I have released a new version of our WPhone Admin plugin, bringing the tally to version 1.4.0. There’s a good bit to this version, including bugfixes galore and an all-new plugin management interface, allowing users to enable, disable and manage their installed plugins from the road. Head on over to the site…

  • Drive-By iPhoning

    I’m posting this as I’m headed out the door: A forum user graciously snapped a bunch of interface photos of the WPhone plugin I’ve been working on. I’ve gotta say, it’s looking great — hit our screenshot page if you don’t believe me. The contest ends this coming Monday, with judging to follow shortly thereafter.…

  • WWDC bbPress Meetup Wrap-Up

    I arrived a bit late to the Meetup last night due to the walk being quite a bit… longer than I expected. No matter — San Fran was lovely and temperate last night and I definitely got to know the downtown shopping district a bit better due to the walking “tour” I conducted. I joined…

  • Thunderbird 2.0: An Upgrade Well Worth Your Time

    The Mozilla Foundation released Thunderbird 2.0 yesterday and, based upon my first 24 hours with it, I’d give it an unconditional thumbs-up. Overall, it’s a much nicer experience than the previous version (1.5). It is faster, the interface is cleaner, it handles IMAP mailboxes far faster than before and it has a few nice new…

  • SuQLite

    If you were paying close attention, you would have noticed that the “Elbee Elgee Development” section of my footer was messed up for the past few days, and with good reason. That little bit of content is generated by parsing the RSS feed for the timeline on my Elbee Elgee Trac installation. Sometime earlier this…

  • This’ll Help Convince The Feds To Adopt Linux

    Via Slashdot, I saw a story about Richard Stallman convincing Cuba to adopt Linux. Linux companies and Linux advocates have been struggling against a reputation as mere software Communism – good thing Open Source Software’s strongest “advocate” (RMS) has gone and proved the case to be, well, true. Gah.