
Regular readers will recall that I’ve had TEH HATEZ0Rs for WJJZ for a long time and, I must say, the only thing better than having it go off the air once is… Having it go off-air a second time. So…

Cybernetic Change We Can Believe In

We’ve already noted the overt visual similarities between John McCain and Saul Tigh, but this weekend’s All-Sarah-Palin-All-The-Time Media Circus caused several observant bloggers (whose names/URLs I’ve unfortunately Cmd+W’d and thus are lost to the ether) to note a not dissimilar…

Oh, Bravo, EA, Bra-vo!

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? So if life hands you glitches, you make… glitchade? Sacriliciousness aside, that there’s some good humor. Well-played, EA Sports, well-played.

This Is What I’m On About

I’ve been boycotting the Beijing Olympics because, well, the whole thing’s a giant sham meant to legitimize a horrendous, totalitarian regime. Seems like ESPN’s Rick Reilly agrees with me. I’d offer a blockquote from the story, except it’s one giant…