WordPress Tutorial: Your First WP Plugin
For those of you interested in developing plugins for WordPress, Mark Jaquith has whipped up a screencast (ala
For those of you interested in developing plugins for WordPress, Mark Jaquith has whipped up a screencast (ala
One of the most commonly repeated phrases that parents-to-be hear, and I’m speaking from experience here, is “Enjoy it while you can. They grow up so fast!” Experienced parents repeat this phrase over and over in a nigh-ritualistic fashion, exhorting…
Sean Gleeson has apparently been mistaken for the DreamHost (my hosting provider!) phone service department by a not-inconsiderable number of folk out here in the Ether Spaces. In an attempt to help Sean, I’ll add my site to the number…
Credit goes out to Aron for ferreting this one out. He’s been on a bit of a Flickr kick recently and happened across a Flickr group that is seeking to photographically document the real-world locations described in Neal Stephenson’s Baroque…
Give it up for Faithful Sam and the Black Riders performing their smash hit, Mashed Taters (Potatoes)! Heh.
George Clooney – closet neocon? [Max Boot makes a decent point, but he fails to remember that it’s the writers of Clooney’s movies that have posited neocon-ish situations and merely let empty-headed Clooney chew the scenery in their invented worlds.…
Work continues apace, meaning that I’m extremely limited in the time that I can even think about blogging, let alone working up full posts. In lieu of some genuinely new and original content, I’d instead like to offer up links…
A couple of brief visual divertimentos to lighten your day: Ryan vs Dorkman – an amateur Lightsaber battle so good, it ought to make George Lucas blush. Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and trade show – Oklahomans using the Second Ammendment…
Have you heard about former Bush advisor Claude Allen who allegedly shoplifted almost $5,500 in goods from a Maryland Target store? Well, the story just gets stranger: he may well have a good shot at the old “It wasn’t me,…
If the content on the site has been a little light as of late, it’s not without reason: Will has been teething, I caught the 24 hour Avian Flu yesterday and I’ve been holed up in meetings getting reamed out…