My Heartfelt Apologies

I sincerely apologize to all of my splenectomized readers who, as Brad kindly pointed out, are incapable of venting something they don’t have. No offense was intended. You may, in lieu of your spleen, vent your appendix, tonsils, gallbladder or…

Worst. Road. Ever.

My wife and I had dinner at some friends’ house tonight. They’re good friends of ours, but unfortunately they live in West Conshohocken, so we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like. Now, as the crow flies,…


I’d heard quite a few good things about the Debian-derived Ubuntu Linux distribution, so I decided to give it a spin. We downloaded the PowerPC Live CD here at work as a test of our newly-enabled 4.5Mbps ISP drop and…

Alright, Chuckleheads…

…And by “chuckleheads”, I mean the good-for-nothing comment and trackback spammers, do you not see the “Spam Karma” stats down at the lower-right of my site? That means that each and every bloody one of your inane attempts to increase…

A Hateful Ideology

I had a few posts in the hopper for today, several of which were upbeat or lighthearted in tone, but in light of the terrorist bombings in London, I just don’t feel right in putting the posts up. Obviously the…