A Random Act Of Factiness

I am apparently genetically predisposed towards an inability to spell “caricature” without the aid and comfort of a nearby dictionary. My mind practically screams “There’s got to be an ‘H’ in there somewhere!” Bonus Orthogonal Observation: I am unsure as…

Your Daily Dose Of Just Plain Weird

You may judge which you find subtler, more disturbing and just plain weird, Bubba Sparxx’s “Ms. New Booty” as performed by freakishly horrifying animatronics: Or William Shatner performing Elton John’s “Rocketman”: Also, note the irony of Batman, Robin, Superman and…

Hometown Tragedy, Viewed From Afar

It’s been weird watching the news coverage of the Minneapolis bridge collapse from my comfortable desk on the East Coast. I spent my early years in Minneapolis (the green arrow above points roughly to my childhood home; the blue arrow…

Kiss My Shiny, Foil-Based Optical Media!

From ComiCon comes the wonderful news that Futurama is back with a vengeance as of late November ’07. It will be back as a 4 episode per DVD, 4 DVD set, bringing the total to 16 brand new episodes which…

Dear Abby…

A brief question, dear readers: What, precisely, is the proper workplace restroom response to a coworker who, by all appearances, is talking to his toilet bowl, other than fleeing the scene at top speed? Follow-up question: What is the proper…

Swing For The Fences, Boyo

Yesterday ended up being a very busy day — work was packed with “fun” meetings and that dreaded “work” thing as well, which was followed by my weekly church elders’ meeting. My pastor and I grabbed a quick bite to…

Hip-Hip Huzzah!

–or–“I’ve, like, got a note from a pastor and that’s totally as good as one from a doctor, right? I apologize for the lack of posting that has plagued the blog since Thursday. Wife, child, future child and I have…