Note To NFL Headquarters

Y’all either need an eye exam or a fashion consultant, ’cause dang the new refereee uniforms suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… *pant* *pant* *wheeze* …uuuuuuck! Condi Rice for Commish in ’08! Down with Tagliabue!

A Nation Of Wimps

Psychology Today has a very interesting article discussing just how little of “real life” the kids of today experience. From the article: No one doubts that there are significant economic forces pushing parents to invest so heavily in their children’s…

Broke “Bat” Mountain

Looks like the producers of the upcoming Batman movie (once again starring Christian Bale in the titular role) have selected Heath Ledger to play The Joker. We’ll see how the casting plays out on that one, but I have to…